
My Big News

Well, I had said earlier that I would explain my absence from blogging.  So, here’s the deal – I’m having a baby!

We are so excited to have a 3rd child.   To answer some of your possible questions:

1.  Yes, this was planned.  All 4 of us couldn’t be happier.  This is a fun new adventure for our little family.  

2.  Yes, there is a huge gap in my kid’s ages.  Dylan will be 8 and Denali will be almost 10 when the baby is born.  But, think of the help they will be.

3.  I am 17 weeks along.  Yeah for the 2nd trimester!  And yes I have a huge stomach already – 3rd baby just popped out right at 12 weeks (yikes).

4.  We are going for our ultrasound today to hopefully find out the gender of the baby.

5.  My due date is October 1st.

So, my short break from blogging was due to me being quite sick and extremely tired the 1st trimester.  I have be substitute teaching almost full time.  Just working, being preggo, and trying to get dinner on the table was all I could handle.  I had no energy for creative things.  But, I’m back!  The last couple of weeks my energy has returned and food sounds good again.  I’m looking for projects all around the house as my “nesting” kicks into full gear.  So, there may be some baby related blogging heading your way.  Thanks to all my faithful readers that kept checking back, waiting for my return.  I appreciate your support.

3 thoughts on “My Big News

  1. Bec

    Yay for October 1st! I bet Grandma Linda is hoping for that day:) Byron's birthday is also October 1st and mine is in October too. Congrats!!

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