Why the heck not? I love chalkboard everything! I’ve even painted it on rocks. So, why not eggs?
I painted black chalkboard paint onto paper mache eggs that I bought at the craft store. I’m sure this could be done on real eggs as well. But, this way they can be used over and over. My kids can decorate and re-decorate these eggs as many times as they want leading up to Easter.
The eggs sit in these Paper Nests that I made last year with shredded pages from vintage books. The black and white are far from traditional Easter colors, but I think they are a fun graphic element.
Are you in love with chalkboard as much as I am?
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This is absolutely brilliant! Pinned it!
what a fantastic idea!
These are gorgeous…and I have a set of wooden eggs that would be great for this project! I’m doing an Easter link up today over on my blog…http://rustsunshine.blogspot.com. Would love it if you joined us!
Martha Stewart makes chalkboard paint in colors other than black! You can get it at Michael's craft store or http://www.michaels.com
It comes in light blue and light green, which are perfect for easter! It also comes in grey and black.
Or you could do black paint and use colored chalk on it. 
This is brilliant! I'm traveling for easter and did not want to dye real eggs in a hotel room! I can paint these ahead of time and bring the chalk! Thank you!!!
I like that, traveling eggs! Great Idea!
These are wonderful! We love them and want to feature them on our blog (with a link to your site, of course!). What a great idea! Thank you for the fun inspiration! Keep it coming –
Liz and Lo
Greast IDea i love it but can they eat the eggs after?
I'm planning a kitchen refresh where one wall will be a chalkboard. Now I know what to do with the extra paint. Hope it's okay I pinned this (http://pinterest.com/pin/71142869085995283/).
Any other ideas?
Cute site! New follower via BlogLovin (http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/4064788/journeys-of-the-zoo).
Besos, Sarah
Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo
Finding Humour in Everyday Life
journeysofthezoo at hotmail dot com
I had fun knowing more about the history of Easter Eggs. Also in my craze for this fancy craft idea, I came up with few more Easter activities that are related to Easter eggs. Please allow me to share this on my Pinterest Easter board? Thank you so much! I asked my friends, what will you do with your eggs this Easter? Lol!
These are so adorable. We have featured these egg designs on Easter egg designs roundup – http://theneodesign.com/creative-easter-egg-designs/.
You can find even more lovely Easter egg designs in the article.