
The Redwoods

I mentioned yesterday that we spent the last 2 weeks at my parent’s.  They live in Eureka, CA.  It is at the tippy top of California and right on the coast.  We were able to sneak in a couple hikes in the Redwoods. They are magical – I really can’t think of any other way to describe them.

Here are a few shots from our hike through Lady Bird Johnson Grove.

It’s National Camera Day!  I can’t go anywhere without my camera.  Do you feel the same way?  I get so much enjoyment out of capturing sights and people with my camera.  I think if I was to go on vacation without my camera, I’d have to buy a new one before I could enjoy my trip fully.  Taking pictures and eating are me two favorite things to do when I travel.  Do you love taking pictures as much as I do?  

1 thought on “The Redwoods

  1. Laura

    Your pictures of the redwoods and surrounding foliage are superb! Aren't those groves amazing? My mother and I recently visited Northern Cali and went to the Armstrong State Reserve in Guerneville. We were in awe. And oh, how I wish we could have a conversation with those trees…the things they've lived through!

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