
Wizard of Oz Halloween Costumes

These Scarecrow and Dorothy costumes are classics.  All the characters from the Wizard of Oz make fantastic Halloween costumes.  Denali and Dylan had watched the movie that year and decided very early that they wanted to be Dorothy and the Scarecrow.

I’m sure there are a lot of patterns out there to follow, but I just decided to make my own simple versions. Dorothy’s dress was a simple, buttoned, bib front, blue gingham dress that I edged with eyelet lace.  Denali wore a white collared shirt and a pair ruby red slippers (of course).  She ended getting a lot of mileage out of those red sparkly shoes.  They worked really well with her Christmas dress.  She also carried Todo in a basket.

The scarecrow costume was also quite simple.  I used an old pair of Dylan’s pants and bought a green long sleeved t-shirt.  I used tan polar fleece fabric for the straw.  Then I just sewed all kinds of patches onto his clothing.  I made his hood out of more fleece and attached an inexpensive witch hat to it.  Then I just tied rope around his ankles, wrists and waist.  Dylan made sure to stay in character most of the night and flopped around and tripped often.

Last night our church had their Halloween party, so the kids wore their costumes.  It’s kind of fun that they get to wear them more then once.  I’m kind of relieved to have them done and ready to go for Halloween.  Are you still working on costumes?  Or are you trick or treat ready?  What are your kiddos going to be this year?

You can see more of our Halloween costumes by clicking the links below.

2 thoughts on “Wizard of Oz Halloween Costumes

  1. Theresa

    Darling costumes & photographs. One year my daughter was Dorthy, but I didn't have a scarecrow.Have a fun Halloween. Visiting from

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