
New House Numbers

So, I’ve picked some new numbers for our house.  I shared a collection of numbers a week ago.  I had decided to go with the Mission numbers from Restoration Hardware, but alas they were out of 2’s.  So, I decided that the modern fonts were really fun as well.  And while we were at Home Depot picking up sprinkler parts, I saw these numbers.

They are perfect.  I love the bronze color, it goes with our new hardware on the door and the modern font was just want I was looking for.  And to make them even more ideal, they were really inexpensive, $5.99 each.  Now to hang them tomorrow.

Lonnie and Dylan are going camping this weekend with my brothers and their two sons.  They are going to have so much fun.  They can be real men without moms there to worry.  I made sure to send them with lots of treats.  What’s camping with out good snacks?  Denali made them chocolate chip cookies, I made them a big batch of Pumpkin Spice Poppycock, and they are going to have Sweet and Sour Meatball Hobo Meals for dinner tomorrow night.  
We’re looking forward to some girl time here as well.  There won’t be time for cooking meals that’s for sure.  I don’t know if you’re like me, but if the hubby is gone, I’m not really into cooking meals.  Time for take out or maybe just popcorn for dinner.   I’ll also be putting finishing touches on Halloween costumes this weekend.  And Denali’s birthday party is a week away – so I’ve got a lot of work there, but it’s probably my favorite kind of work.  What do you have planned for this weekend?  
Oh one more fun thing.  My little blog has been nominated for Skinny Scoop’s Top 25 Creative Blogs list. There is just 2 more days to vote.  I feel silly asking, but if you’d take the time to vote for Oleander and Palm, I’d sure appreciate it.  Thanks friends.  

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