Playing with Watercolor Paints

I’ve mentioned before that I was an elementary teacher, and someday I probably will be again. When I went to college I got my BA in elementary education, but you got to pick a subject of interest.  So, I chose Art.  I believe it’s a very important part of a child’s education.  And these days with standardized testing, students don’t have the time or opportunity to explore their artist skills. Art can bring confidence and achievement to students that struggle in other academic areas. But that’s a mini soap box I have. So, in college, I got to take a watercolor painting course for my degree, lucky right? Better I’ve never really painted anymore, even though I’ve wanted to. So just last week, I got the urge to take out my paints (over 13 years later) and just played a bit.

I ended up painting for about 3 hours one evening, and it was just so therapeutic.  I mixed colors and played with movement of the paint and water on the paper. Watercolors are such a fantastic medium to work with. I felt relaxed and in a better place when I was done.  I’m definitely one of those people that NEEDS to be doing something with my hands in order to relax and rejuvenate myself. God must have known the week I was walking into, because those 3 hours had some pretty perfect timing.

It’s funny how we are drawn to the same shapes, patterns and colors. About 2 hours into my playing with the paints, I started painting triangles and them my geometric heart pattern starting repeating itself on the paper. I’m obviously not really that great at painting with watercolors, but I just had so much fun experimenting with them, that I wanted to share with you. I hope I can inspire you to try something new, or pick an old skill that you just haven’t made time to for. Creating and making is such a satisfying experience, even if the finished product is not what you were expecting. It’s the process that’s good for your soul.

I displayed my little pieces on my mantel with a couple vintage metal floral frogs that I picked up at the Santa Fe Flea Market.  And I hung another on a vintage hanger that I got from a friend’s lovely etsy shop, Life on Churchill St. 

I’ll be making time to paint more very soon. Is there a skill or technique that you wish you’d make time to learn or practice? What do you do do to relax? Are you a doer or maker, can you relate to where I’m coming from.  

2 thoughts on “Playing with Watercolor Paints

  1. emily

    lovely! love the colors you mixed together. i hope you keep painting. i love to get the watercolors out with my kids and paint alongside them…it keeps them entertained, and i get a little bit of creativity in my day. i hope you keep painting and sharing!

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