
Adventure – A Day in NYC

Well, I’m back to share my adventure with you. Last week I shared with you about the Ford Fiesta Movement and how this month’s theme is ADVENTURE. While I was in NYC this last week, I took a day to be adventurous all by myself.
I LOVE to travel, but most of my adventures are with my husband. So, being alone in the city for the day and getting to choose where I went and what I did was a fun new experience.  Lonnie and I really like similar things, but making ALL the decisions is a totally different thing. Adventure’s a lot about taking risks and trying new things. I didn’t want to be predictable girl and spend the day shopping. So, I tried to pack in as many sites as possible by foot and by subway without spending very much money at all.  
here’s a few of my instagrams from the day
I walked for almost 9 hours straight, and I kind of wish I would have tracked the miles I covered. I started at the Flatiron district, moved on to Central Park and then walked over the Brooklyn Bridge for the sunset and saw the city lights from across the river.  Then when my feet were tired and I felt I couldn’t walk any more, I took the subway back to the Flatiron to pick up my bag and then headed to Queens for the night. I chose to take my inexpensive adventure one step further and spent the night in a Youth Hostel close to the airport. I’ve stayed in many hostels around the world, but most have been with my husband. I can’t say it was the best night’s sleep bunking in a room with 5 other strangers, but it was cheap. Really where else can you stay for $40 a night in NYC? I should also share that I walked around Queens for almost an hour trying to find the hostel. I am a red head and might be a little stubborn, I was very determined that I could find it without a cab ride.  
Throughout the day I took little bits and pieces of video on my iphone. Then I put them all together to share with you a taste of my day in NYC.  
I decided to put this little video to the the music of Matt & Kim, Let’s Go.  They are a Brooklyn based group and I felt this little jingle was a good fit for my day.
Be sure to check out more of the Ford Fiesta Movement videos.  I’ve enjoyed looking through them and here’s another one of my new fave’s.
This is a sponsored post and I was compensated for my participation. The opinions expressed are my own.