
Finding Riley’s Style

I’m back to share more of the Ford Fiesta Movement with you. Last month I shared what adventure looked like to me and then I was inspired to take a little solo adventure in NYC.  This month, Ford’s 100 “agents” are taking on the theme of STYLE.

Oh boy, style is tough. I’m a mom of 3 kiddos, somewhere in my 30’s (I won’t say where exactly), and I’m not feeling too stylish these days. But, I guess we all have a style whether it is in or out. I think I am more confident with my design and interiors style then I am with my own personal style or fashion. I think my style is very much practical and frugal and it’s somewhere in between eclectic and clean. I love modern lines, but love to mix them with color and vintage pieces that have character. And green is my signature color (I’m a redhead). Have you ever tried to define your style? It’s tough and I’m not sure if my definition is quite right yet.

Here’s what I’m starting with and the color palette I love for him (just a touch of peachy pink).

I’m going to have a little fun with style this month and I’m going to give Riley (my vintage trailer) a little more style. This is a fun place to play with style because I don’t have to play it safe or practical Riley’s not our “real” home, he’s just our play house. I have a vision of how I want him accessorized, I just haven’t taken the leap and fully executed my plan. So I’m going to challenge myself this week to get to work and give Riley the style he deserves. 
But, I want your help. What would you do to Riley to give him more style? I need your suggestions and ideas. You do need to know that Riley is a 1948 Kit Companion. He was outfitted for the hunter (and although we do not hunt), I want to keep him a bit of a rustic, mountain man. The upholstery is in really great condition, so the forest green plaid has to stay. So, leave me a comment or a link to a great product, accessory, or idea that you think would be great for Riley. 
It’s fun to see everyone’s different approach and idea of what style is.  This video from one of Ford Fiesta Agents was very cute and clever.  I enjoyed watching many of the short you tube videos the agents put together.

This is a sponsored post and I was compensated for my participation. The opinions expressed are my own.