
Fox Foto Booth

Be sure to head over to The Land of Nod’s blog Honest to Nod today.  I’m sharing Olivia’s Fox Foto Booth there today.

Man, I sure do love this kiddo. She is definitely 2 though! We are working on potty training (which is exhausting).  And now, ever since her party, Olivia’s been scared to go to bed at night and has been crawling out of her crib (not safe). I’m not ready to be done with the crib and she really isn’t ready to be sharing a bed with Denali, so I’m kind of stumped with what to do with the girl’s room at this point. But, 2 is also such a fun age. She talks all the time, she’s funny and just so stinkin smart.  I know in no time at all, she’ll be all grown up.  Sometimes in the thick of it, it’s hard to enjoy these toddler years, but I’m really trying to make a conscious effort to really enjoy this time with Olivia. Somedays I wish a had a “real” job, but mostly I’m so grateful to be home with her.