DIY / etc.

Cross Stitch Heart in Wood

This was fun to make!  I got a little power tool action in and I got to use my neon cord again.  This little project is a continuation of my cross stitch heart theme (remember the framed piece and then vinyl wall version). I love this mix of wood and neon pink, it’s such a playful combination.
If you pre-drilled all the holes for this project, kids would sure have fun making this giant cross stitch.

a wood slab with bark attached (I got mine at Michaels)
neon cord (like this)
2 feet of leather cord
drill and bit (I used a 5/32″)
sand paper
heart cross stitch template (download it HERE)

Print off the template and trim it to size.  Tape the template to the wood slab, where you’d like it to be.  Using a drill and the bit (you may need a different sized bit, depending on the thickness of your cord), drill out all the holes, right through the paper.  Sand the top and bottom of the slab to get rid of any rough edges from all drilling.

Cut off a long length of the neon cord (or any twine or yarn you’d like to use).  Using the lighter, burn the end of the cord to prevent it from fraying and to make it stiff for threading through the holes.

Starting at the top of the heart begin cross stitching the first row. Stitch diagonally the length of the row and the cross over that diagonal and come be the length again.  Then repeat each row until the entire heart it stitched.

Drill two holes at the top of the wood slab.  Thread the leather cord through to the front and tie it off. 

I really think you’ll enjoy making this. I know Valentine’s day is just around the corner, but I think this will hang in my girl’s room all year long.

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