
Wallums Wall Decals Giveaway

So many of you loved the Wallums World Map Decal, in the Global Backpacker Bedroom, that I’m excited to tell you that Wallums is generously going to giveaway a $50 Gift Certificate to one lucky winner. There have so many choices, you are sure to find one that fits your home and style.

Here’s a few of my personal favorites.

The world map decal is so intricate and detailed, I can’t image ever painting that on a wall. And the beauty of decals is that they are 100% removable. Perfect for rentals or for folks that have commitment issues.

We put up the map decal in very little time at all.  For a decal this size, I do recommend having 2 people. We started by taping the decal to the wall where we wanted it, then we taped down the center of the decal. We peeled back have the backing to the middle tape line, and working from the center  moving to the edges we adhered it to the wall by rubbing it.  We did the same to the other side and then removed the paper backing. So simple and such a dramatic focal point to the room.

Ya, that’s my brother showing off his biceps as he rubs on the decal.

Enter to win a $50 Gift certificate to Wallums below. I’ve given you 3 chances to enter (leave a comment, follow Wallums on instagram and follow Oleander and Palm  on instagram).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

27 thoughts on “Wallums Wall Decals Giveaway

  1. Rachel Banzhaf

    I have such decal envy. I got a set from Target a couple years ago, which are falling off by now, but they were cute and fun. The ones available online are so much cooler though. Glancing at the Wallums site, I'd probably pick up the tentacles one for my husband's mancave. He has a thing for Cthulhu (giant tentacle god from the works of HP Lovecraft.)

  2. Carolyn Herbert

    The world map is pretty amazing! Lots of wonderful wall art to be had! 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  3. Leslie

    I would get the "the best thing to hold onto in life is each other" – Audrey Hepburn quote. It would be perfect in my bedroom!

  4. Deonna Wade

    I like the simple "hello" for the door. about to be a renter so that could a little fun personality to my door 🙂 There are tons of fun ones to choose from though.

  5. speak4thesilent

    I would get the "Mama and Baby Elephant" decal for my baby's nursery! We are keeping the gender a surprise and I feel this is the perfect decal for our gender neutral nursery. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

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