Last year I was stuck and just couldn’t come up with a word for the year. And until this morning, I didn’t have a word for this year either. Not that you HAVE TO have a word. I’ve just enjoyed having one that last few years. It’s given me a little focus or goal and that feels good sometimes.
This year I am bracing myself for a rough January. I’ve got a few big things ahead of me that I am not looking forward to. It’s definitely not all doom and gloom, but I do know that these “things” are going to require a lot of my time and energy. I want to feel excited about the year ahead of me, and not have this feeling of dread that I do right now.
Last year I drained myself and invested so much time and energy into client projects and local work. Some of that was great, other parts were definitely learning experiences that I am happy to have behind me. I found myself at a burn out stage more than once last year. And I had no way to quit or take a breather. This year I want to set myself up for some SUSTAINABLE success. So, that’s my word – SUSTAINABLE! It’s a simple, not very glamorous word, but I think it’s exactly what I need.

Sustainable is defined as able to be maintained at a certain rate or level. I really want less up and down in my life. I want to have a little routine and be able to start, see through, and then also finish STRONG. I’m a dreamer and love the idea and concept building stage of projects best. But, I want to sustain that energy and passion I have at the beginning all the way through. Some of that might be dreaming less “BIG”. This probably sounds the opposite of any motivational writing that you’ve seen recently. But, I know myself and I need some limits. I think there is something very practical about sustainability. That might sound boring, but as a natural risk taker and adventure seeker, I think my business and life in general could use some practicality.
January 1st I’m starting my Month of Minimizing with 30 days of cleaning out clutter in our home. I felt like this was a “sustainable” series to start the year with. I hate when I have a great idea and then I don’t follow through and finish it. This new series gives me a little accountability in seeing something through and really practicing my word for the year right off the bat. (Oh, and I’ll have lots more details about this fun new series tomorrow.
Sustainable is a great word in that it can be applied in a lot different ways. Sustainable living is something Lonnie and I have always strived to achieve. Sustainable living a lifestyle that attempts to reduce an individual’s or society’s use of the Earth’s natural resources, and one’s personal resources. Its practitioners often attempt to reduce their carbon footprint by altering their methods of transportation, energy consumption, and/or diet. We aren’t perfect, but it is always a consideration in the decisions we make (remember I’m married to the biology nerd). Having this word for the year, might help us even more on our quest.
Well, I don’t know if any of this makes sense at all. In my head it does, so I guess that is all that matters. And sometimes I just like to throw ideas out there, because it might be something that resinates with one of you. Maybe SUSTAINABLE is something you are seeking as well. And if it is, feel free to save, pin or even print off one of these “sustainable” images.
So, do you have a word for 2019? I’d love to hear yours and why you chose it. Leave me a comment below.
And now, have a happy and safe New Year’s Eve! We are staying home with out kiddos, grilling a nice steak dinner and Olivia and I are going to make donuts later. Yep, that’s how we party. Thanks for following along all year, this next one is going to be a GREAT one! I know it.