If you haven’t been following on instagram, then you might not know that we just made through the first week of a #MonthofMinimizing. The new year is always a great time to clear out the clutter and find a little order and organization.

Everyday this month, I am assigning a cleaning task and then walking you through my process of purging, sorting and then organizing. It’s all happening on IG stories. I picked small, totally doable tasks for each day. I also tried to pick areas that are actual problem areas in my home.
We are #MakingRoomforStyle in our homes. Before any cute pillows are bought, walls are painted or furniture is purchased – you need to declutter and then store what you already have properly. A clean and tidy home is where a stylish home begins. And I think a lot of us want to have stylish homes. So before you go shopping, let’s donate a load to your local thrift store and make a little room.

Here are the tasks for the first week. There is no right or wrong way to do this. If you schedule is too busy, maybe you just try to take on a couple problem areas on the weekend. Even if you just clean out one area, you are winning. Team up with your family or find a friend for accountability and let’s start 2019 organized.
Oh, and I’ve started a little shopping resource page here on O+P. I’m linking some of the items that I’m using to bring a little order to our home there. My plan is to add items to this page that I love and use and maybe that will be helpful to some of you.