Each week of the One Room Challenge I start off feeling like “oh ya, we can do this is 6 weeks”. And then, halfway through the week, I start to panic and the to-do list doesn’t seem to be getting shorter. Then, by the end of the week, I’m exhausted, but also feeling pretty accomplished and hope is back that we will finish everything in this short turnaround time. It’s the end of the week, so I’m feeling quite good about our renovation.

Well, it was a week of painting, painting, and more painting. We were under the gun to get most everything painted before the countertops went in on Thursday. We wanted to save ourselves the headache of masking off everything and trying to protect brand new countertops and floors from paint. So there were many days of paint and actually it was a lot of prep work as well, but all with the goal to get the cabinets, wall, and ceiling painted. And we are sooooo close. Everyone pitched in this week, me, my dad, Lonnie and of course my brother Ash (who are we kidding, he’s doing most of the work). But, I’m happy to say that we are ALMOST done with the painting. Everything is done, except for the cabinet doors and drawers and those are actually sanded and primed, they just need their final coat. I spayed the upper cabinets white, and with Ash’s help, I think I’m feeling a little more confident with my spraying skills.

The BIG news is, we have countertops!!!!! Our Honed Montclair Danby Marble from Bedrosians is in and it’s beyond gorgeous. Pat Callahan Tile and Stone did a amazing job with the fabrication of this stone. We ended up having to have quite a wide lip/edge on the stone, to cover up the damage of the old counters on the cabinets. I was worried it might look a little weird, but it’s actually so beautiful. They matched the grain in the stone so that it looks like the stone is waterfalling over the edge. It actually looks like we have really thick countertops. And all my sweating over the exactly right shade of green has totally paid off, the green looks fantastic with the marble. I’m so glad I didn’t go with black for the lower cabinets.

Monday morning, tiling is starting and I’m soooo happy. While tile is going in, Ash and I will be painting the rest of the cabinets.
I few other important details arrived this week as well. The cabinet pulls are here! I found a very inexpensive version on amazon, and I’m really happy with them. Also the wall sconces will be here tomorrow, and fingers crossed, they will fit beside the door trim, because I think I might be cutting it a little close. I’m dragging my feet on the hanging pendants. I still feel like we might regret no having a fan, but I also think they are kind of ugly. And after all of this work, I’d hate to throw in an ugly fan because is “practical”. And finally, we are testing out a new kind of hinge tomorrow to see if we can eliminate the exposed hinge barrel. I think it will really modernize the cabinets if these specific ones work – stay tuned for results.
Ok, I’m going to hit the hay and call it a week. Tomorrow is jam packed, and I want to be ready to take on week 5 of ORC.