I’m pretty much just looking for any opportunity to share cute pics of my kids here! And somehow I didn’t post this year’s Halloween costumes, and I always do. So, we are just going to put this here so that next year, when you are looking for some DIY inspo for your kid’s costumes, this blog post will be here and ready!
This was a weird year – ONLY 2 KIDS! With Denali off to college, it was a little strange to not think about including her. If you are new around here, I’ve always dressed my kids in matching or go-together costumes for Halloween. We love a good theme around here.
Here’s a look at some costumes from previous Halloween’s:
- Napoleon Dynamite
- Jurassic Park
- From the Garden
- Alice in Wonderland
- Famous Paintings
- Harry Potter
- Metamorphosis
- And a bunch more
This year we decided on a Toy Story theme and figured Olivia would make a pretty cute blonde Jessie. Dylan is 16 and wasn’t sure if he really wanted to match his little sis, understandably. So, Lonnie and I decided to go as Mr. + Mrs. Potato Head with her. And then at the last minute Dylan asked to go as Woody. And I’m so glad he did. He’s a very handsome Woody and Olivia had a very rough week leading up to Halloween.

If you missed it, we had a bit of a bummer month in October. To make a long story short, the week leading up to Halloween Lonnie broke his hand on a field trip and had to have major surgery on it, our kitty Pumpkin died, Olivia broke her arm and then Halloween morning we woke up to Olivia’s bunny, Pepper, dead as well (we know think a raccoon tore into his cage). Anyways, that just the tip of the iceberg, pretty much everything that could go wrong did.
Needless to say, we wanted this Halloween to be a GREAT one for Olivia and Dylan choosing to dress up with her was a big help. She adores he brother, and Dylan is really a great big brother.

So, literally the day before and the day of Halloween I SEWED! And by some miracle we pulled off 4 Toy Story costumes. They were very simple, but I think they worked.
For Olivia’s Jessie costume. I made her shirt and chaps. I used a long sleeve white T for the base and stitched on some yellow fabric and red rope trim. Because of her cast, I had to add the cuffs of the shirt just with safetly pins, but it totally worked. For the chaps, I lined some cow hide print cotton with white felt to make them a little stiffer and then just attached them to some elastic around her waist and also at her knees. The hat we found on amazon for $6 and she wore her own jeans and boots. We wanted to make a red yarn wig, but we just ran out of time and steam, but I think our little blonde Jessie is still pretty darn cute.

For Dylan’s Woody costume, I just made him a super simple vest with the same cow hide cotton and felt that I used on the chaps. He wore his own jeans, one of his Dad’s yellow checked shirts and my hat and red bandana. You really don’t get easier than that with a costume.

And Lonnie and I went as Mr. + Mrs. Potato Head. I ordered two camel colored sweaters from amazon and then cut out all the face parts in felt. Olivia decided we should wear our faces all mixed up because of the crazy week we had just experienced. Because I didn’t want to ruin the sweaters, we just adhered the felt eyes, ears, lips, etc. with duct tape and everything stuck all night.
Anyways, thanks for humoring me with these very late Halloween pics. I hope yours was memorable. Now, do you think I can get one more year out of matching costumes with Dylan?