Before I say anything else here, I just want you to know that I am sharing this as a resource to maybe alleviate some stress at this time. I do not, in anyway, what to add to the panic or worry that you my be experiencing.

This is a crazy time for our world. Covid-19 has brought so much change, fear and disruption to our lives lately. I don’t know about you, but I feel better when I have some sort of tangible action I can take (and that is not hoarding toilet paper). And to be completely honest, we are actually down to 2-3 rolls, and I haven’t been able to find any at the stores. But, life can be lived without toilet paper, we can survive that. Stocking up with some food to feed my family for the next couple of weeks did feel like an action I could take. And, I fully understand that I am coming from a place of privilege, that I even have the resources to do this for my family.
I shared on IG stories, a couple days ago, that I was headed to the store armed with a list of meal ideas. And quite a few of you asked for me to share that list. This list is not recipes, but more just ideas. I know I often head to the store or try to plan meals and can’t think of a single thing my family likes or that I know how to make. So, maybe this will help you as you prepare for a couple weeks of social distancing.
2 Weeks of Meal Ideas
- Loaded Nachos + Guacamole
- Tuna Melts + Tomato Soup
- Sausage, Potato + Kale Soup
- Chicken Pad Thai
- Swedish Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy + Peas
- Chicken Curry, Rice + Naan
- Veggie Frittata
- Pesto Chicken Pasta
- Salmon + Roasted Veggies
- Loaded Ramen
- Spagetti
- Breakfast for Dinner – Biscuits, Bacon, Egg and Cheese Sandwiches
- Dumpling Soup
- Mac + Cheese
I planned meals, kind of the way I would for camping. I bought items that have a long shelf life, don’t need to be refrigerated, or are frozen. Please know that I did not stockpile 6 peanut butters or 18 loaves of bread, just enough food to make meals for a couple weeks. And if for some reason, life goes back to normal very soon, this is all food that I can use and not waste.
And since my kids will probably be home more (with schools closing left and right), I also stocked up on lunch supplies.
- Bread
- Cheese
- Lunch Meat
- Peanut Butter
- Crackers
- Nuts
- Dried Fruit
- Apples
And for breakfast I made sure I had these items.
- Cereal
- Milk
- Oatmeal
- Bread
- Green Juice (that my kids LOVE)
- Granola
- Yogurt
- Protein Powder + Spinach for Smoothies
- Powdered Milk or UHT milk for backup
And if we are going to be home for a few weeks, we are probably going to need to make cookies or brownies, so I double checked my pantry to make sure I had the staples.
Baking Staples
- Flour
- Sugar
- Brown Sugar
- Butter
- Eggs
- Chocolate Chips
- Cocoa
And then because this is a virus we are dealing with, I stocked up on some vitamins to help us keep our immune systems in good working order and some basic cleaning supplies
Vitamins + Supplements
- Elderberry Chewable Supplements
- Multi Vitamins
- Kid’s Immunity Chewable Supplements
- Emergen-C
- Pain Reliever
- Zinc
- Vitamin C
Cleaning Supplies
- Bleach
- Disinfecting Wipes
- Hand Sanitizer
- Anti Bacterial Hand Soap
I know this list may have some holes and I’m sure I’m forgetting something really important, but hopefully it can help you start to plan as you brave the grocery store this week. Please add an items I missed in a comment below, and I’ll update this ASAP. Please don’t let fear steal your joy, but feel empowered with a little preparation. And then enjoy sometime at home with your family. Stay healthy and well-rested friends.
I’m also putting together a list of home projects that you can tackle if you are healthy and just practicing social distancing. That blog post is coming SOON!
You’re so Awesome!! And, I’m so thankful for this helper list! I’m a meal planner, every Saturday for the coming week, you just made my life so much easier for the next couple weeks here at home. I’m blessed by you and hope to make a Oleander + Palm purchase very soon! Blessing to you and your family and your business’s!
Love, Lynnette
Thank you for this!
Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for the great ideas! Just a heads up though that they recommend not using Advil as it can create complications with the virus… Tylenol would be better. Stay safe, healthy and happy!
Yes!!! I saw that recently too.
You are wonderful and inspiring for so many during these trying times.
Thanks for the great ideas!
One note: antibacterial hand soap is problematic: it creates antibiotic resistant bacteria and works no better than regular soap at killing viruses and bacteria.