
Instagratitude Project

I’m really excited that November is almost here.  It’s almost Instagratitude time!!!  Last year, when I came up with this idea for sharing daily something that you are grateful for, I had no idea how great this would be.  It really did help change my frame of mind and I focused more of the blessings of my everyday life. Just look at how much I had to be thankful for in one month.

I hope you will join me for the month of November and share one instagram daily of something you are grateful for. Post your image on Instagram, and add the tag #instagratitude2013 (and if you want, you can tag me @jeranmcconnel as well).  I can’t wait to share in this project with you, I hope you will join me.  

I need to have this daily reminder to be grateful. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the negative and what you DON’T have. I DO live such a blessed life and I want to honor God by sharing how grateful I am for his provision and generosity in my life.  

Psalm 9:1
I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.

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