
Thrifting Thursday – Leather Hardoy Butterfly Chair

I think I might have a chair problem.  Eek, I went and bought another chair while I was at my parent’s place this summer (Eureka, CA). Remember the cool orange midcentury chair I bought, well I went to a furniture auction and found another one.  Furniture auctions are a lot of fun, but somewhat dangerous.

I knew that this chair was worth bidding on, so I set a price in my head that I was willing to pay.  And then in the heat of the moment, I might have kept bidding past my target budget.  I went to the auction with my brother Joash and my Dad.  The three of us are a bad combo at something like this. We see the potential in anything. And I’m a firm believer that in order to have adventure (and even success) in life, you have to take risks. So, I took a risk and bought this chair. I don’t regret it at all. And I don’t really have a place for it in our tiny house. But, I’m glad it’s mine. And maybe I’ll just resell it.  But, for now I own a piece of iconic modern furniture design.

please excuse the bad iphone photo, I will share more detailed images soon

It has beautiful, well loved and worn leather. It has two small areas where the seams are coming apart a bit, so I think I’ll have those repaired. I’m considering taking them to a shoe cobbler to have them stitched. I’m thinking this might be a cost effective way to get this fixed.

If you think I’m totally crazy to buy something like this, you might find this article interesting. The older I get, the more risks in life and in this case design, I want to take. Where’s the fun in being just like everyone else. I like to be unique (which is hard to achieve), but I want people to see what I design and make, and think “I would have never thought of that or put that together”.  I think my mother in law is confused by this purchase. She thought it looked Western. But I figure, if Sophia Loren takes photos in butterfly chairs, then maybe this chair will help my cool factor.


And look at how fabulous this chair looks in Sarah’s living room of Smitten Studio.

And with an all white living room, the chair is light and airy and doesn’t weigh down the space by being a big bulky piece of furniture.


What do you think? Is this a chair you would like for your space? Or is it just too out there for your style. Is it a style that I can pull off? And are you a risk taker when it comes to design and home decor?

6 thoughts on “Thrifting Thursday – Leather Hardoy Butterfly Chair

  1. Anonymous

    I don't think its a bad thing to be like everyone else. Alot of your taste is mainstream and very current. Its not going to set you a part but I don't think thats a bad thing. I find it impossible to really stand out because everyone is doing everything already.

    (came across your blog on land of nod)

    1. Jeran Post author

      Thanks for stopping by Rebekah. I appreciate your honest feedback. There are people that I admire and respect as far as taste and design goes, but I don't want to be like "everyone else". Oh, and I know I'm pretty mainstream, that's why I try to take "personal" risks. They may not be risks to anyone else, but they are for me. I really just want my personality to come through in my design. I do believe each and every person is unique and the story of my life is unique to me. Does that make sense?

    2. Geraldine Baudron

      Hi Jeran, I just discovered your blog yesterday and since then I have gone through different posts. I LOVE what you do. You have great taste! Maybe it pleases a lot of people and in that it is mainstream but for sure it has your own style and unique ideas.
      This is great inspiration to me and I love your way of thinking that we should take risks if we want to find adventure and maybe success in life. This is so very true.
      Thanks and please keep on posting 🙂

  2. Meghan

    That's a great score. Love the leather color! I've been kicking myself all summer for not picking up a nearly free butterfly chair at a garage sale. I would have had to change out the fabric, but that could have been a fun fix.

    1. Jeran Post author

      Oh shoot! I hate that when you regret not getting something while thrifting. Something better will come your way, just keep looking.

    2. Meghan

      Haha yes, that is what I'm telling myself and that's the thrill of thrifting. You never know what you'll find. Treasure could be lurking right around the corner.

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