
New House Numbers

Well, we got rid of our old door and replaced it with a beautiful new front door.  If you follow my instagram, you might have seen some of the progress I’ve made this last week.  We’ve (well mostly I’ve) stained, sealed and painted the trim on the door all week.  It’s tough to leave your front door open all day in between coats and keep a very busy 1 year old out of the mess and in the house.  But, it’s done and I saved myself $500 (that’s how much they were going to charge to have the door finished).  
Now I’m on the look out for some new house numbers.  It’s one of those cases that once you fix one thing, you find 10 other things that need to be fixed as well.  But, really after all the money and work that went it this new door, shouldn’t we have fancy new numbers to go along with it?
I’ve searched high and low and these are my favorites.  Some are way out of my price range and some totally unpractical, but they all have great design and style.  I definitely don’t want something traditional, at the least, I need a more modern font for my numbers.  
Middle // Stencil // Nail Head // Mission
What would you choose to go with my new front door or maybe for your front door (if you need/want new numbers)?

3 thoughts on “New House Numbers

  1. Kristen

    I love the wide modern and mission ones. Totally retro AND modern at the same time, and I love the finish on them. They would look great with the beautiful wood door you took such care with.

    We have a similar problem as the open front door- open cabinets. We are refinishing the cabinets and all the doors are in the basement. The one-year-old loves to pull everything out of the ones we really don't want her in- the one with all the food, and the one with all the cleaners. It's a constant battle! 🙂

  2. Cyrus Gilmore

    Are those little plants on number 7? If they're not, thanks for the idea! My girlfriend loves tiny crawling plants, and she's about to move to Fremantle so after we take out all her stuff from a storage unit in Perth, I'll give her a house number made of tiny crawling plants – as a finishing touch. I really want to thank you for the idea.

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