DIY / etc.

Angular Hearts

Happy February friends.  Even though I’ve already been posting lots of Valentine’s ideas already, it is now officially the month of love.  So, here’s a fun heart shaped idea that keeps with my geometric theme. I think these simple angular hearts would look darling over a dessert table on hanging in a large picture window.  I have mine hanging at different heights and depths on a wall in my dining room.

And how about a cute, kind of silly, baby with these fun angular hearts? Olivia quite enjoyed posing in my pictures.

wooden popsicle sticks (10 for each heart)
hot glue gun
fishing line
I found popsicle sticks in 2 different sizes at my local craft store.  The larger ones are just normal popsicle size and the shorter ones are 2 1/2″ long.  They are so simple to make, just dot hot glue on the ends of the sticks and overlap the sticks to connect them together.  For the tops and bottom of the heart, make right angles with the sticks, then all the others will fall into place correctly.  
I spray painted mine metallic gold and white. Then, simply hung them with fishing line from the ceiling. They are very light, so just a little scotch tape holds them up fine.  Wouldn’t these look cute in a glossy red or in a couple shades of pink as well?  

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