
Half Black (and Green) Walls

Half Black Wall


I think it’s time to tackle another room in our house. The problem is, I don’t have a very big budget, so trying to get creative. I’m looking for big bang and little bucks (aren’t we all though). I’ve been digging half walls, especially black ones for quite a while now. I love the idea of it being trimmed out with a chair rail, bead board, board and batting or even shiplap – but, that’s an expensive I don’t want to take on right now. So, I’m going to play with paint and create a high contrast, two toned effect with just some blue painters tape.

I REALLY want to do something with our little powder room, so I think this might be a great room to experiment with. My gut says I should go black, because it’s as high contrast as you can go. But, if you keep scrolling, there’s a couple of really great green options as well.

Half Black Wall


Half Black Wall


Half Black Wall


Half Black Wall


Half Black Wall


And because green always has my heart, let’s admire these foresty, emerald hues as well. I think if I choose the darkest green out there, it will give me that dramatic effect of the black, but just with a hint of my favorite color.

Half Dark Green Wall


Half Dark Green Wall


Half Green Wall


Just for fun, how about a blush and charcoal combo as well. Isn’t this a sophisticated way to play with pink?

Half Blush  + Charcoal Wall


Ok, what do you think? Do you have any theories on whether a high contrast half wall will make the walls and ceiling appear higher or lower? I feel like keeping the lower half dark and the upper half white won’t weigh the room down too much. I’d love to hear what you think.

2 thoughts on “Half Black (and Green) Walls

  1. christina

    Love the half-and-half walls. You’ve given me inspiration for my dining nook.
    Might go for the shiitake base. I’ll send a pic, when I get ‘er done.


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