Medicine Cabinet Makeover

If you’ve been following along, we just wrapped up a MONTH OF MINIMIING! And I feel soooo good about all the organizing and decluttering I’ve done. Today’s post is one of the tasks I tackled last week. The kid’s bathroom is one of my favorite rooms in our house. When we first moved in, I stripped all the wallpaper and painted EVERYTHING. It was a big job. But, I never touched the inside on the medicine cabinet. I just ran out of steam and figured it’s a spot no one would notice. But, it turns out, KIDS ARE THE WORST and the left the cabinet open all the time and all it’s hideousness was exposed. Now, I’m so excited about this little space and I’m happy to show it off.

You can find the full DIY over on Hunker today. I’m sharing befores and afters, all the sources and how I to organize a shallow space like this.

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