When we were in Iceland last Summer, I noticed this odd pairing of Coffee + Tonic Water in coffee shops. I mostly wanted hot coffee in Iceland, so I didn’t try it. And then this Summer, while we were in Australia, I saw it again and was reminded of this unusual pairing. I am a fan of both of these things, but up until now I enjoyed them separately. But, YOU GUYS, it’s really such a great combo. It’s like no other drink. I don’t really think it tastes like a “coffee” drink. It’s way more refreshing, but still has all the same caffeine benefits as your morning brew.

With Summer still here in a big way, I feel like I can’t get enough to drink. My 1 pm latte pick-me-up is now Coffee + Tonic!

And if it isn’t obvious, this is a super simple recipe. Fill a glass with ice, pour a shot of espresso over the ice, top off the glass with chilled tonic water and a squeeze of lime juice. It’s sweet and bitter and just perfectly delish.